Build Workflow

The build workflow of Boreal is very well streamlined and consists of two main steps:

  1. Project creation
  2. Project building

This section provides a step-by-step guide to the build workflow using the Boreal Manager. The workflow’s final output is a bitstream and hardware description file tailored to a specific device and board combination.

1. Create project for target device and board

$ ./ create --device <device-name> --board <board-name>

This step creates the Vivado project of the target device and board.

2. Build project

$ ./ build --device <device-name> --board <board-name>

This step initiates the synthesis, implementation, and bitstream (*.bit) generation for the specified device and board. Additionally, it produces a hardware description file (*.xsa). The *.bit and *.xsa files can be found inside the implementation output folder at <path-to-project/<project-name>.runs/impl_1.